Your Beginning Is Now!
I hope you each had a memorable Thanksgiving! . Each Thanksgiving, before the New Year begins, I take time to look over the year to view my accomplishments or failures. I think about what I can improve right now as opposed to waiting for January 1 st to roll in. I do not believe in New Year’s resolutions; however, I do believe in setting long-term and short-term goals. For the most part, I am happy to see some of the accomplishments I have made; but I am also disappointed in areas where I had setbacks whether self-inflicted or not. However, it will not hinder me from making the necessary changes before proceeding into the New Year. I would like to share a few steps that I have already taken to make changes. First, it starts with your mind and it must be renewed in order for true change to take place; therefore, do your best to stick to a plan to accomplish both your spiritual and natural goals. Second, embrace the process. There is no such thing as a lofty goal; ho...