Your Beginning Is Now!
I hope you each had a memorable Thanksgiving! .
Each Thanksgiving, before the New Year begins, I take time to look over the year to view my accomplishments or failures. I think about what I can improve right now as opposed to waiting for January 1st to roll in. I do not believe in New Year’s resolutions; however, I do believe in setting long-term and short-term goals.
For the most part, I am happy to see some of the accomplishments I have made; but I am also disappointed in areas where I had setbacks whether self-inflicted or not. However, it will not hinder me from making the necessary changes before proceeding into the New Year.
I would like to share a few steps that I have already taken to make changes. First, it starts with your mind and it must be renewed in order for true change to take place; therefore, do your best to stick to a plan to accomplish both your spiritual and natural goals. Second, embrace the process. There is no such thing as a lofty goal; however, we can potentially self-sabotage by not taking little steps to get to the long-term goal. For example, my goal at the beginning of this year was to lose 30 pounds. When I started, I was all in and full of excitement. I began exercising regularly, eating less and I stopped eating meat. However, at about the two-week mark, I was frustrated because I only lost one pound. I thought, “this does not work” so I went back to my old lifestyle, which was actually an old way of thinking. But, later this year, I made my mind up and put the word of God on my goal of getting healthy and though it is still difficult sometimes, I am seeing results…and I don’t miss eating meat (that was the easy part)!
Finally, it is important to get an accountability partner. Someone you can trust who will help keep you on track; not hinder you. It is never a good idea to have someone who is struggling with the same issue as you. Ask me how I know!
Your goal may not be to lose weight, but no matter what it is, write the vision, make it plain, and write out baby steps on how you will get there. If you make a mistake, do not stop, keep going. As you begin seeing results, it will encourage you to continue moving forward. So…when that little voice in your head tells you to stop use is as a weapon to overcome the obstacles you are faced with. The voice is only there to discourage you, which lets you know you are on the right track!
Romans 12:2
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will (NIV).
Love you all,
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