Are you on the run?

Why do we run from God? Are we afraid? Do we think we know what’s best? Do we believe there is nothing he can really do for us? Have we allowed negative life circumstances to pull us away? Has the success of this life caused us to slowly run away? No matter what the reason, we must be sure that as believers we keep our focus which means keeping our eyes on Christ. It also means being obedient to what he tells us to do.

In last week’s post, I briefly mentioned my process to healing. In the beginning, I ran to God. I was excited and could not wait to go on the journey, however, when God began telling me things I needed to change and the people I needed to let go, I was scared; so instead of being obedient and moving toward God, I pulled away.

One of the things that caused me to run was a relationship. I was with someone I knew I no longer needed to be with, but the relationship gave me a sense of security (though it was false) and I stayed. One Sunday while in church my pastor at the time was teaching on getting rid of wrong people in your life. I knew God was speaking through him regarding my personal life and at that moment, I decided when I got home that day, I would tell this person our relationship was over.

I had such joy in my heart I almost skipped home. When I got to my apartment, I walked in and immediately shared what was on my heart. He was upset and said many things. He said so much that I began questioning God and decided to stay with the person. BUT, deep down in my soul, I KNEW nothing positive could become of it.

For the next month or so I was miserable. I no longer wanted to be with him and each day the feeling got worse. On top of that, each week when I went to church, I was reminded of my disobedience by not ending the relationship when God told me to. About two months later, I had enough and told him it was over, and I meant it (and he knew it). It was the best feeling because I was free. When he left, I repented to God for my disobedience and I began moving forward.

But, for not listening when I should have, I endured unnecessary fear and turmoil and it was my fault. 

No matter what God is telling you, listen and move; no exceptions. I certainly understand the decision will be difficult, but if you do not listen to the instruction the consequences will be worse.

God ALWAYS has a better plan. God told me to let go because he wanted me healed and free. Funny thing is I asked God to help me heal and get free, but when he presented the plan, I didn’t obey and I ran. Funny how when we pray we don’t expect the answer to the prayer to be difficult. God is funny that way…

God always knows what’s best for our lives and he expects us to trust him. Even when we don’t trust Him his grace is there, but there WILL be consequences that may take us years to recover from.

Remember…obedience is better than sacrifice. I Samuel 15:22 - "Tell me," Samuel said. "Does the LORD really want sacrifices and offerings? No! He doesn't want your sacrifices. He wants you to obey him.

Love you all,


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